Absence due to Stress A teacher in a large secondary school was signed off work with stress. His Line Manager referred the teacher to Occupational Health.for advice on his health and support with helping John return to work. What factors can trigger Stress? During the Occupational Health consultation John said that he was struggling with…
Diabetic Screening, Derby
A large local employer was keen to promote the importance of wellbeing amongst their staff. With the recent media coverage of the rise in diabetes in the UK and the huge burden on the NHS the employer felt that diabetic screening would be well received. Diabetes is a condition that affects primarily people over the…
Workstation Assessment
Head & Neck Pain with Computer Use An assistant head of a secondary school had a five year history of neck pain with computer work. The problem was getting significantly worse with symptoms coming on only after 15 mins of computer work. She was also suffering from weekly headaches that she felt were associated with…
On-site Physiotherapy Service
Absence from Musculo-Skeletal Injuries A large multi-national company with a number of factories in the East Midlands were concerned with the number of musculo-skeletal injuries resulting in high levels of absence. Management were keen to introduce measures that would reduce the number of injuries and absence and speed up the return to work. They were…
Occupational Health for Schools, Nottingham
Occupational Health for Schools A rapidly expanding Academy school was looking to change their occupational health provider. Teh Academy was keen that the quality of service should meet the needs of an expanding organisation. They felt that their existing provider was taking too long with their Occupational Health reports, that their queries went unanswered, and…
Fit for Work Medicals, Coalville
Fit for Work Medicals in Engineering An engineering company in Coalville required travel medicals for staff who were going to work in Hong Kong for periods of 6 weeks or more. The company wanted to ensure they were fit for both travel and work in a hot climate. WorkFuture were asked to assess the individual…
Functional Capacity Assessments, Nottingham
Assessing Fitness to Work A mining company in Australia wanted to recruit miners from the UK to work in the burgeoning mining industry in Australia. However, the company wanted to ensure that any potential employee would be fit and well enough to undertake the work once they arrived. In Australia, the mining company put new…
Health Surveillance, Chesterfield, 2012
Health Surveillance – a legal requirement A timber company had had an inspection by the HSE and were advised they needed to comply with H&S regulations and provide Health Surveillance for all their employees exposed to risks at work. The employees were exposed to noise, vibration and chemicals so needed to heave health surveillance for…
Health & Wellbeing Event, Nottingham 2011
Greenwood Academies Trust Wellbeing & Massage Event Greenwood Academies Trust wanted to reward their staff after the completion of a new building and to thank them for all their patience during the upheaval. Management wanted an event that demonstrated their commitment to the wellbeing of the staff as well as one that would help lift…