Manual Handling Risk Assessment

Still struggling with Manual Handling Risk Assessments?

As an employer you have an obligation to protect your employees when they are at work. If their job involves lifting and carrying then you need to ensure you have assessed the risks of their job and taken suitable steps.

Need help with Manual Handling Risk Assessments?

Sometimes simple Manual Handling Risk Assessments fail to identify the root cause of the problem or give sufficient guidance as to what you need to do. In these cases you may feel a more detailed Ergonomic Manual Handling Risk Assessment would be more appropriate.

Using an Ergonomic Consultancy for Complex Manual Handling Assessments

Ergonomic consultancies use In-depth Manual Handling Assessments Tools such as those listed below. These are well researched methods that give greater detail and insight into the issues that need to be addressed.

  • ACGIH Lifting TLV
  • NIOSH Lifting Equation
  • Liberty Mutual Lifting Tables ( Snook Tables)
  • Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC)
  • Mital et al.Tables (Manual Handling)
  • ManTRA

Managing your Manual Handling Risks Assessments

If you would like more Ergonomic input into your Manual Handling issues then our Ergonomists can provide a range of services including detailed Worker Surveys, Root Cause Evaluation, In-depth Ergonomic Risk Assessment.

If you need specific Manual Handling Training expertise than we can provide on-site training in

How to arrange your Manual Handling Risk Assessments?

  • Speak to one of our Ergonomists about your Manual Handling Risk Assessment
  • Discuss a convenient date and appropriate action plan
  • The Ergonomist will undertake an on-site visit to carry out the survey
  • The Manual Handling Risk Assessment Report with recommendations will be provided within 3 working days