OOn-site Occupational Health

Improving your employee’s performance?

In today’s environment with budget cuts and belt tightening its more important than ever to help your employees be on top of their game.

Uncertain of the benefits of Occupational Health

So your business needs a healthy work force, you need to reduce the impact of absence and injury on profits, and you need to keep an eye on costs. All of which can be achieved.

Making your Occupational Health cost-effective?

When it comes to choosing an occupational health service you need one that will deliver savings for your business.The savings come from preventing ill health and absence, and ensuring compliance with current legislation. Studies have shown that well targeted occupational health should provide a ROI of 400-800% more than the original investment. So how do you ensure your business achieves that sort of return.

Choosing an On-site Occupational Health Service

An On-site Occupational Health Services provides a more flexible and individualised health service for your business. Its the equivalent to your own in-house Occupational Health Service without the costs. You can choose the service you want, when you want it, and where you want it. Our team of specialists health professionals can provide all the services your employees need to keep them working well.

If you would like to arrange an On-site Occupational Health Service

  • Speak to one of our friendly members of staff about the needs of your employees
  • Let us know what type of health service you would like
  • We will arrange for our experienced health professionals to be on-site on the date of your choosing
  • You should provide a private room for the health assessments

Download our On-site Occupational Health brochure

See our On-site Occupational Health Case Study