Occupational Health Assessments

How do you manage your employees with disabilities?

With one in five adults suffering from disabilities or a long term health condition the chances are if you employ people you will need to show you can manage health problems and disabilities effectively.

Are you failing to protect your employees with Disabilities?

Organisations have a legal obligation to provide health assessments as part of your normal risk assessment process, for example when an existing employee develops a health condition. It can be difficult for managers and employees to know how to deal with health issues at work. You need to know what is required by law, and what is likely to be effective in each case.

How can Disability Health Assessments help?

Our specialist health professionals are highly qualified and experienced in providing independent, expert health assessments and reports. Our Occupational Health Physicians, Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists and Ergonomists will ensure you receive prompt, clear, professional advice regarding reasonable adjustments and possible legal implications that you can act on.

Choose the Disability Health Assessment you need

If you need a disability health assessment in the workplace or in the home, our health professionals will travel to where you need them. So if you have an ill-health retirement or long term absence problem where the employee is too ill to travel than we will go to them, including our Occupational Health Physicians. Choose the assessment you need at your convenience.

  • Home-Visits
  • Workplace Visits
  • On-site Clinics
  • Off-site Clinics

To Arrange a Disability Health Assessment

  • Speak to one of our friendly members of staff to enquire about our Disability Health Assessments
  • Let us know what Disability Health Assessment you require
  • We will organise the appropriate Disability Health Assessment you need
  • The Disability Health Assessment will be undertaken within 10 working days.
  • A full Disability Health Assessment report will be available within 5 working days of the assessment